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WATCH: Graham Norton unveils Covid memorial plaque in Bandon

June 20th, 2024 11:07 AM

By Kieran O'Mahony

WATCH: Graham Norton unveils Covid memorial plaque in Bandon Image

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TELEVISION star Graham Norton officially unveiled a Covid memorial plaque outside the Allin Institute in Bandon earlier this week.

He commended Creative Bandon for the project, which is part of a pioneering intergenerational initiative between older adults of the HSE Bandon Day Care Centre and TY students in Bandon.

The aim of the project was to make sense of the devastation of the pandemic and people’s tentative emergence to normality.

‘It’s lovely to see that time of our lives remembered in a creative way and it doesn’t feel like a depressing event. What they have done here with the plaque is lovely,’ said the BBC presenter.

Bandon rapper Burkie performed his song We Ain't Mad At Ya while Martin Leahy and Aine O’Gorman performed an original composition Remembering written by Aine.

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