THERE was great excitement at the South West Rowing annual awards ceremony recently when Neil Grant, from the sponsors the Celtic Ross Hotel, announced that the club of the year award was going to Courtmacsherry.
Off-the-water activities as well as on the water rowing were taken into account when making the decision. He cited Courtmacsherry’s excellent hosting of the Cork County finals in Blind Strand last July, as well as the club’s remarkable progress in building a clubhouse during the most challenging of times.
A notable feature of the awards night this year was the broad spread of medals across the clubs.
Topping the charts was Kilmacsimon with 19 medal-winning crews, followed by Courtmacsherry (11), Rosscarbery (10,) Galley (9), Ring (4), Castletownbere (3) and Myross (1).