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WOMAN ON THE VERGE: My trip into world of the paranormal before taking another leap of faith in Rosscarbery

July 1st, 2024 12:00 PM

By Emma Connolly

WOMAN ON THE VERGE: My trip into world of the paranormal before taking another leap of faith in Rosscarbery Image
No-nonsense columnist Emma Connolly is very dismissive of psychics but curiosity got the better of her as she took a psychic reading online. (Photo: Shutterstock)

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Our columnist would normally see herself as a sceptic when it comes to fortune tellers and psychics, but she made an exception with an online reading. But even the mystics couldn’t have predicted the challenge that lay ahead in Ross!

• LAST Monday morning I found myself sitting at my desk in front of my computer. Nothing unusual there, except that I was waiting to connect with a psychic/medium via Zoom. Bet no one saw that one coming? Neither did I, to be honest ... and I booked it.

As I was waiting for the meeting to start, I was trying to remember the thought process that had brought me there and I struggled. I remembered I had booked it way back in early January, when I had been feeling especially ‘meh’, and had been looking for some reassurance that it was all going to be ok.

All I had really wanted was a tap on the head, someone to say ‘there, there pet, you’ll be grand,’ sort of thing. Funnily enough, this Irish psychic wasn’t available for that.

I can’t quite remember if it was curiosity or desperation, but instead I signed up for her next available appointment, which was a full six months later. And that’s why I was about to swap my usual naval gazing for some crystal ball gazing just before 10am last Monday. I’ll admit if I hadn’t paid in advance, I’d have bailed on the whole thing.

But ... I’m so glad I didn’t. I have to admit I feel a little embarrassed talking about it – I’d usually be the first person to snigger at this sort of carry on – but among other things, she connected with the ‘other side’, and there was a lot of sense being made. One part of my brain was thinking that a thorough Google search could have revealed some of what was being shared, but I shut down that scepticism and went with it and it was all really enlightening, and comforting. The bottom line is that apparently I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be at this time. Fantastic! That’s all I wanted to hear. Will I do it again? Do you know what, I think I will!

• Outside of that, I spent most of the week convinced we all had Covid. The smallie had a temperature and a cold and was a bit off for a day or two. Then I started feeling a bit below par too, which is unheard of for me. I’ve the constitution of a horse and so grateful for it, too, but I was literally struggling to keep my eyes open. Meanwhile, my hubbie had a cough and was all bunged up (doing lots of snorting and snivelling in a way that had me contemplating divorce lawyers). Only out of concern that we’d be in contact with anyone vulnerable, we all took tests (while experiencing major PTSD), and got the all-clear. Just a summer cold then ... and just as I was leaning into the daytime taking naps too. Seems like there’s a lot of Covid around, by all accounts, at the moment, so keep washing those hands.

• Oh my god – who else is feeling like they’re under siege from constant emails alerting them to summer sales at the moment? It’s insane! So too is how easy I think I need something in my life just because it’s discounted. It could be anything from a pair of leggings (to add to my already extensive collection) to a blender, it really doesn’t matter. I have to keep reminding myself of that wise old mantra: it’s not a bargain if you didn’t already need it! Hold steady.

Besides, I’m after developing a rather expensive habit that doesn’t leave much disposable income for anything never mind sales shopping and that is ... iced coffees. I cannot get enough. I’m obsessed – and forget about suggesting I make them myself at home. They just don’t taste the same. Ocean Brew coffee truck was at my local school’s end-of-year graduation day and made me a perfect iced coffee. I wonder if they could be convinced to set up shop at the end of my driveway? Rebecca’s Kitchen also makes a brew that hits just the right spot. If anyone has more recommendations, send them on – I’m prepared to travel!

• I kind of feel that we never found our stride last summer so I’m launching myself into Summer ’24 with gusto – even more so after losing two days when we thought we had ‘the Covid’. In a ‘Mary make and do’ moment I got us all to make a list and write out what we’d like to do and see over the next few weeks so I could get a plan going. I do love a good plan.

The smallie listed: Claire’s Accessories, the local Centra for ice cream, Rebecca’s Kitchen for a cup cake (ooh, I could get an iced coffee), and the beach with her pal. Bless! I put down the Waterford Greenway (even though I don’t own a bike and am a bit afraid of cycling), Barleycove beach (haven’t been in over 30 years), and the Dursey Cable Car (even though I’m afraid of heights). My husband had Bunratty Castle and Mitchelstown Caves. I’m trying not to be put off by the fact that we said we’d visit these places last summer as well, but like I said, we’re all over it this year. We even have raincoats.

Emma and her family took on the challenge of the spectacular Rebel Rampage in Rosscarbery, Ireland’s largest infl atable obstacle course. But she found one major obstacle ....


• We decided we’d get things off to a lively start and headed to Rebel Rampage, the country’s largest inflatable obstacle course, in Smuggler’s Cove, Rosscarbery last Sunday afternoon. I left my dignity on the first slide as I clamoured up, but I was ok with that. What I wasn’t ok with was the crushing realisation that I’m not half as fit as I thought I was. I know I was at least 30 years older than the average customer there that afternoon, but still and all, being lapped by 10-year-olds wasn’t great for the morale! Anyway, I was motoring along nicely and really getting into it (bar the odd high-low), when I got to the top of what’s called ‘The Tower’. I had expected to see another bouncy slide to take me back down, but no, it was a sheer drop ... and you had to jump. The teen on duty at the top was so sweet and encouraging but no amount of reassurances from her was going to get me to take that leap so there was nothing for it, I had to climb back down.

To be honest, that manoeuvre was even trickier than jumping, and then I had to face the wrath of my eight-year-old. She reminded me how I was always telling her to take a chance, be brave, try new things etc. Peer pressure! The next time ’round I was a bit delirious from the heat and exertion so I went for it and it was ... exhilarating! Well, kind of.

Anyway, it was so much fun that we’re already planning a return visit ... as part of our training for Ireland’s Fittest Family. We’re aiming for the 2027 series!

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