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Waiting list for child psychology services has doubled

June 13th, 2024 3:00 PM

By Southern Star Team

Waiting list for child psychology services has doubled Image
Figures show a stark rise in the total number of children and adolescents on psychology.

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NEARLY 350 children in West Cork are awaiting essential psychology services, with the HSE waiting list after doubling in the past four years.

The shocking figures were released by the HSE to Cork South West TD and Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns and showed 346 children and adolescents in West Cork waiting to be seen by primary care psychology services.

In 2020, there were 119 children and adolescents awaiting an appointment with primary care psychology services. That number increased to 138 in 2021, and jumped significantly to 231 in 2022. The increase is even wider in 2023, with 346 children and adolescents now awaiting services.

Deputy Cairns pointed out that the Government-imposed recruitment freeze at the HSE is exacerbating the problem.

‘Primary care psychology services have been in a rapid decline, and Government has only made matters worse. The HSE has stated clearly that the Government’s recruitment freeze has prevented them from hiring the necessary staff for these services,’ Deputy Cairns said.

‘It is absolutely disgraceful that nearly 350 children in West Cork are waiting on essential psychology services, more than double the 119 who were on the waiting list in 2020.

‘These are children and parents who are crying out for help, and are being met with a closed door. Early intervention is absolutely essential for mental health supports. The earlier a child is seen, the less likely it is that their mental health struggles will worsen and follow them into adulthood.’

Deputy Cairns raised the issue with a parliamentary question in the Dáil to Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly. ‘I will continue to push both the Minister and the Taoiseach to address this urgently,’ said Deputy Cairns.

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