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Nostalgic collaboration of work on Sheep’s Head

August 23rd, 2024 5:00 PM

Nostalgic collaboration of work on Sheep’s Head Image
Members of the women’s retirement group - top, from left: Juanita Zuend, Rose O’Donovan, Nuala Daly, Sue Goss, Jenny Kirby. Below: Janet Ryan, Corrine Fenton, Eily O’Mahony, Maureen Hill, Margaret McCarthy and Sioban O’Leary.

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A RETIREMENT group on Sheep’s Head Peninsula recently shifted its focus from having conversations over coffee and tea to sharing their life stories in memoir and portrait forms. Their efforts have culminated into a touching collection of work that will be on show this weekend in Kilcrohane.

The group of women formed years ago for the usual socialising over cups of tea and the occasional arranged field trip or talk of interest. Artist Sioban O’Leary joined as facilitator a couple of years ago as part of her work as social activities co-ordinator for older people on the peninsula.

Sioban recognised that each member had a terrific story to tell that was unique to everyone else, ‘as there is such a mix here, you know, with local people and blow-ins from different places,’ said Sioban. There was a wealth of skills and information in the room just bursting to be shared.

She was so inspired by them that she asked each member to bring a photo of themselves from when they were young. ‘They were delighted to show up with their photos and talk about their stories – once they got started there was no stopping them,’ said Sioban.

Sioban saw the potential for a larger project and decided to build on the momentum. She made a proposal to the Muintirbhaire Community Council who assisted with funding.

Additional support came from the HSE and Carbery Cheese. She then enlisted the expertise of writing workshop facilitator, Christine Ryan, who conducted eight memoir writing workshops with the group. The result is a fascinating and eclectic collection of expressions and impressions gathered through a lifetime of vast experiences.

Photographer Donal O’Connell of Kilcrohane took studio portraits of each member and paired these with their early photos, framing them side by side with evocative results.

Sioban then created coloured pencil drawings of each woman which adds another, whimsical, dimension to the collaboration. ‘The project is really nostalgic and tender,’ said Sioban, who is especially taken with the diversity of experiences that has informed it. The exhibition opening will take place at Black Gate: Alice West Centre & Café on August 24th at 6pm. The exhibition of portraits and writings will remain open for viewing from Sunday 25th to Friday 30th from 3pm to 5pm. There is scope for the exhibition to tour to local libraries soon.

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