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New Department of Energy ‘needed’

May 11th, 2024 5:00 PM

By Southern Star Team

New Department of Energy ‘needed’ Image
Decisions are not being made on time, claims MEP Kelleher.

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A NEW standalone Department of Energy should be set up by the next government, a Fianna Fáil MEP has said.

Ireland South MEP Billy Kelleher said this would reflect the critical importance of energy security for Ireland.

‘Five years ago, energy wasn’t a topic of hot debate, with the exception of how do we maximise renewable energy production. While that target is still essential, energy security is now as important as energy production,’ he said

‘A standalone department of energy would demonstrate Ireland’s commitment to its energy future. At present, energy is lumped in with transport, environment and climate with one Government minister in charge of it all.

“The country that guarantees security and supply of Ireland in the next five years will be the country that guarantees its prosperity into the future.’

Mr Kelleher said the present situation isn’t working. ‘Decisions are not being made on time or are being slowed down because of intra and inter-departmental bickering.

‘Ireland needs to get serious about energy. The next government must have a standalone department that directs the totality of the State’s energy actions.’

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