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Farran man sold cocaine to pay for his acrimonious break-up

March 12th, 2025 8:30 AM

Farran man sold cocaine to pay for his acrimonious break-up Image

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A MAN who admitted he had possession of cocaine for sale or supply was selling the drug because of debts incurred during an acrimonious relationship break-up, Macroom District Court was told.


Court presenter Sgt Trish O’Sullivan said that a warrant was obtained to search the home of 31-year-old Aidan Twomey at Parkview Lower, Farran on March 30th 2024. Gardaí arrived at the premises at 10.30am and carried out the search.

In Mr Twomey’s bedroom, cocaine valued at €1,400 was discovered in a drawer, along with 21 empty deal bags and a mobile phone was also seized.

Mr Twomey later admitted during an interview that the drugs were cocaine and he was planning to sell it.

Defence solicitor Sean Cahill said his client had been involved in an acrimonious break-up.

Mr Cahill said his client, who had no previous convictions, had incurred a considerable amount of debt as a result.

Mr Cahill said that Mr Twomey worked in a pharmaceutical factory in Cork and had never had any involvement with drug dealing before.

He said: ‘He bought the cocaine for €700 and effectively thought he could double his money. It was best that he was caught as it nipped it in the bud.’

The court heard that Mr Twomey had attended a counselling service for anxiety and depression and had not come to garda attention since.

Judge Andrew Cody said that he would strike out the matter if Mr Cody made a donation of €4,000 to the Fellowship House addiction treatment centre.

He adjourned the case until May 7th for finalisation.

If Mr Twomey does not make the donation the default penalty will be a conviction and €2,000 fine.

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