FOR many years the position of referee in the GAA was very much undervalued. The man in the middle was almost anonymous, taken for granted, unless something controversial happened and he became the centre of attention.
However, the modern GAA has brought much more awareness to the role played by the referees. It is now generally accepted that the referee is at the heart of the GAA because without referees, games just wouldn’t take place. There is now a much greater understanding and acceptance of the importance of the referee within the association.
Undoubtedly, two areas of concern have highlighted the part played by referees and they are the shortage of referees in every county at present and the abuse being aimed at referees. Steps are now being taken to overcome both problems with a major campaign, ‘Give respect, get respect,’ being aimed at the public as well as the referees themselves.

It is important that all those involved in Gaelic games should show greater appreciation of referees and, with that in mind, it was decided a number of years ago here in the Carbery division that referees who refereed South-West Cork finals at junior football and hurling, as well as U21 hurling and football, would be awarded a similar medal to the winners of those finals.
Unfortunately, due to Covid and other reasons, it was not possible to present the referees with their medals since 2019. Accordingly, at a very pleasant function at the GAA pavilion in Ahamilla, Clonakilty, recently, referees who officiated at finals between 2019 and 2023 were presented with their medals. The medals were specially mounted on inscribed glass plaques. In all 25 referees were honoured on the night.
The function was organised by Donal McCarthy (Dohenys), referees’ co-ordinator for Carbery; Andrew Whelton (Clonakilty), chairperson of the Carbery Referees’ Association; and Tim Buckley (Dohenys), PRO of the Carbery Board. Making the presentations were Tim Buckley, Joe Crowley (Carbery executive) and Tom Lyons (Carbery championship administrator). Present also was Joe Kelly of Kerry Lehane and Co., Dunmanway, sponsors of referees’ gear. Welcome refreshments were served by Carmel Calnan and Paudie O’Reilly, Clonakilty GAA.

The referees who received medals included – Eamonn Sheehy, Newcestown (Junior A Hurling 2019); Andrew Whelton, Clonakilty (JAFC 2019, U21A FC 2022, U21B HC 2023); Michael O’Mahony, Kilbrittain (JAHC 2020, JBFC 2023, U21 C HC 2022); Connie Murphy, Kilmeen/Kilbree (JAFC 2020, JBHC 2029, U21B FC 2022, U21B1 FC 2023); Tadhg Sheehan, St Mary’s (JBFC 2020); Ian McCarthy, Bandon (JAHC 2021, JCHC 2020, U21A FC 2019); Tommy Barry, Bantry Blues (JAFC 2021, JCD FC 2019, U21C FC 2021, U21C HC 2023); Joe Kelly, Dohenys (U21A FC 2021); Stephen Murphy, Bandon (JBHC 2020, 2022, U21B HC 2019); Patrick O’Mahony, Kilbrittain (JAHC 2022, U21A HC 2022); Liam O’Shea, Carbery Rangers (JAFC 2022); Michael O’Leary, Diarmuid Ó Mathúna (U21B HC 2022); Jack Forbes, Dohenys (JAHC 2023, JBHC 2021, U21A HC 2022); Shane Scanlon, Newcestown (JAFC 2023, U21B FC 2021); Alan Long, Argideen Rangers (U21A HC 2019, 2023; JBFC 2019); Frank Quill, Bantry Blues (U21A FC 2020, U21B FC 2019, JC/DF replay 2019); Gerdi O’Donovan, Gabriel Rangers (JC/D FC 2021); Jack Murphy, Gabriel Rangers (U21B2 FC 2023); Michael Walsh, Barryroe (JBFC 2022); David Harmon, Ilen Rovers (U21C FC 2019); James Kingston, Carbery Rangers (U21C FC 2023); Seán Levis, Muintir Bháire (JBFC 2022); Anthony O’Regan, Kilbrittain (JBHC 2023); Brian Crowley, Castlehaven (JC/D FC 2022, U21A FC 2023); Niall Hayes, Carbery Rangers (U21C FC 2022).