Columnist Emma Connolly isn’t planning any ‘new year, new me’ resolutions. Instead she’s just going to keep a few thoughts in mind to get the best out of 2025.
• I THINK we should start a campaign to stop all the tedious ‘New Year, New You’ talk that follows Christmas, the same way night follows day. Who is with me? It’s just so flipping predictable, and frankly, so insulting. I’m quite happy, all things considered, with the old me, thanks very much!
• To be honest, I might normally get sucked into the whole circus, probably buy a new journal or notebook, maybe a self-help book (or three), download an app on how to run a half marathon, but not this year.
It blows my mind in a way that I can’t quite explain to think that it’s now 2025, that’s a full quarter of a century past the millennium, just in case anyone needed further clarity. I don’t know why this has struck me in a way that previous years haven’t, but I certainly don’t want to be wasting any of it on ‘new me’ nonsense.
Resolutions in general I think are not all that helpful. January is challenging enough; February is a short month so there’s no point getting stuck into anything, so really March is time enough if you do want to make any changes in your life, but step away from anything too punishing is my advice. In the meantime, here are some of my random thoughts that I’m going to carry with me this year to get the most out of 2025 ....
• First, forget about shrinking the waistline, shrink your circle. You don’t need to know what everyone else is doing because comparison is the thief of joy and most of the time the grass isn’t greener. Stop wasting time looking at other people’s lives online and live your own. Focus on what you have, work with what you’ve got, and drive on.
• Next, slow things down, slow yourself down. Have a little sit down! Stop feeling obliged to constantly strive and hustle. I’m giving you permission to step off whatever ladder you’re on, if you feel like it. No apology needed, either. We don’t always have be on ‘a journey’.
• Take more naps, they’re one of life’s greatest gifts, but it’s important to keep them to 20 to 30 minutes maximum. Anything more and you risk being like a bag of cats when you emerge from your cot.
• Read more and listen to music more. We’ve access to so many streaming platforms now, that I find I’m watching an awful lot of TV – too much. It’s nice to relax but sometimes you have to step back from the remote control. Speaking of music, compile a play list of mood busters for those days you feel a bit ‘meh’ – I find classic 80s ballads (Meatloaf, Bryan Adams, Journey etc) are like mini torpedoes, zapping away any bad moods or negative emotions.
• Right, don’t gossip, or keep it to the absolute minimum (we’re only human). Don’t be two-faced. It’s just not nice. But realise that not everyone is nice, so know when to keep your powder dry. Loose lips sink ships etc. Also, don’t take it personally if some people don’t like you, unless they’re important to you. In that case see what you can do about it, but otherwise just let things go.
• On that note, don’t take people that matter to you for granted. Don’t always assume your mum/husband/pal wants to hear all your moans and groans. It’s draining!
We’re all on our best behaviour when we’re out and about, but remember to be your best self for the people in your everyday life too, at least some of the time. They deserve it.
• Try to keep things light, and lift people up. So I know we all have our personality types but unless you’re in the middle of a challenge or crisis, do your best to spread a bit of joy.
You’ll be surprised at the ripple effect it can create. It’s not about dishing out compliments either but just remembering that if it’s a three-minute exchange with someone they really don’t want to know if you’re tired, because they’re also tired. I remember after my dad died someone said how they always felt better after talking to him and it’s something that’s really stayed with me. I think it’s the ultimate compliment and given that my own personality type would veer more towards the ‘moody old cow’ category it’s something I’m going to try harder at this year.
• Also, stop getting furious and giving out about things that don’t really matter.
So in my case that would be anything from a car driving slowly in front of me, to having to empty the
The only person that loses out in this scenario is you – specifically your frown lines and blood pressure. Break the habit.
• Get a dog, or a pet. They’ll help with that anger (once they’re past the chewing and peeing stage).
• Take more photos and voice recordings of loved ones. It sounds creepy, but future you will thank you for your efforts. And make sure you’re in some photos yourself. If you think you look old, you’ll look older next year. Get over yourself. Get in the shot!
• Make sure you have a good coat, a good pair of jeans and a good hair dresser. It just makes life a lot easier.
• Keep a handle on clutter. More stuff won’t ever make you happy for more than a few minutes, and studies have shown there’s a direct link between a woman’s emotions and the amount of stuff she’s surrounded by. So that’s why I always flip out over shoes left at the door, and various phone chargers left around the place. I knew I wasn’t being unreasonable!
• Say ‘no’ more and realise that it doesn’t mean you’re selfish. You can’t do everything and every now and then you should drop a ball just to realise that nothing really awful happens. Just don’t drop all the balls at the one time. Sometimes you should say yes though and take a chance. And sometimes it’s best to say nothing at all. Confused? I’m good at that.
• Finally, be in the present and find joy in the mundane. I know I’m being a bit sickening now but it’s all about the now – in the blink of an eye it will be 2026. Let’s make this a good year.