THE Schull Knit and Natter group has yarn-bombed the village for no reason other than to make people
Children were delighted one recent Friday morning to find the railings of the playground covered in colourful bunting.

At the other end of the village, the bus stop has been given an equally festive look with more knitted bunting and rosettes.
Visitors to the information office at the old bank have commented on the cheery look of the reception desk, while readers in the library have noted the make-over of its architectural arch.
The Schull Knit and Natter group was set up in February by Ginny Anderson, who put a notice on the wall in the local Centra. Today there are seven members of Schull Knit and Natter but they are wide open to receiving new members.
Townhouse O’D’s restaurant kindly hosts the weekly meetings, every Monday, from 10.30am to 12pm.
‘All are welcome – even beginners,’ said Ginny, who admitted, it’s sometimes more natter than knit!
‘We decided to do this at the close of the season. All we wanted to do is put a smile on people’s faces,’ she said.