The classic Irish short film, by West Cork director Maurice O’Callaghan, A Day For The Fire, will be screened on TV on Monday night.
The classic Irish short film, by West Cork director Maurice O’Callaghan, A Day For The Fire, will be screened on RTE 2 Shortscreen, on Monday 4th April ’16 at midnight.
The movie is based on the tragic theme of suicide in modern Ireland, with riveting performances by Jonathan Ryan (Patriot Games) and Jon Kenny (D’Unbelievables).
The screening follows its success at international festivals such as Palm Springs, Savannah, Boston, Cork, Fastnet, and at Los Angeles for the 2013 Oscar long list.
Beautifully shot by acclaimed cinematographer Seamus Deasy, with a haunting score by Hollywood composer Patrick Cassidy, the film is tells the story of two strangers meeting in a West Cork pub, and how they are drawn together by personal targedy.
It is written and directed by Maurice O’Callaghan (Broken Harvest) from Newcestown. The film has played in selected cinemas in Ireland throughout 2014 and 2015 and may also be viewed on YouTube.
The story was first broadcast on the RTE radio, Francis McManus short story series in 2001, read by the Irish actor, Patrick Bergin.