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Water supply in West Cork at critical levels

August 19th, 2022 10:13 AM

By Dylan Mangan

Water supply in West Cork at critical levels Image
The areas most affected by low water supply.

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WATER supply in West Cork has become critically low, as Irish Water are urging the public to reduce their water usage wherever possible.

Demand for water in West Cork is exceptionally high due to the popularity of the area with tourists, and has been exasperated by drought conditions which are causing a severe depletion of water supplies.

Night-time restrictions are already in place in some parts of the region along with tankering in some spots to top up the water supply, and a statement from Irish Water is asking the public to 'be sensible' with their water usage.

'Since November 2021 rainfall in West Cork has been below average for every month except June, when compared to historical rainfall records,' said regional operations lead Ian O'Mahony. 'This has impacted our water resources as they need time to replenish, and it will take 6-8 weeks of rainfall to do that.'

'In a nutshell, a surge in demand coupled with the dry weather has led to seriously stressed water supplies in West Cork and we are asking people to play their part to conserve water and ensure a continuous day time supply for all.

'We are appealing to residents, businesses and the farming community in West Cork to reduce their water usage as the situation is reaching a critical level. West Cork is a beautiful and busy place at the best of times, but in the summer, it is even busier. Many people will be spending time outdoors, watering the garden or washing cars, etc. We are asking people to be sensible about how they use their water so that we have enough for everyone during the daytime and that the businesses of West Cork can continue to operate as normal.'

Irish Water have outlined some of the ways people should reduce their water usage, asking the public to; avoid power washing, take shorter showers and avoid the bath, check for leaks on outdoor taps and troughs, refrain from using paddling or swimming pools, and to report any visible leaks to Irish Water.

'We will continue to work with our colleagues in Cork County Council to monitor and manage supplies across the county to ensure the people in the area have a safe and reliable water supply throughout the summer and into the autumn,' added Ian.

'The Irish Water customer care helpline is open 24/7 on 1800 278 278 and customers can also contact us on Twitter @IWCare with any queries. For updates, please visit the Supply and Service Updates section of the Irish Water website.'

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