THERE is an urgent need for a Civic Amenity Site (CAS) in Skibbereen, according to Cllr Joe Carroll.
By Kieran O’Mahony
THERE is an urgent need for a Civic Amenity Site (CAS) in Skibbereen, according to Cllr Joe Carroll. At a recent Western Committee meeting Cllr Carroll proposed a motion that Cork County Council should upgrade the status of Skibbereen Bring site to a CAS.
‘I’m sick to the teeth of people coming up to me asking me why Clonakilty has one and why Skibbereen doesn’t. With Skibbereen such a central area for tourism in West Cork it’s vital that the town gets such a service. Tourists coming to the town and area don’t know where to put their rubbish,’ said Cllr Carroll.
‘I’ve been bringing this issue up at every meeting since last June. It’s like a case of third world versus modern world when it comes to a CAS in Skibbereen. One was meant to go in a few years ago – at the same time a state of the art facility was put in place in Clonakilty, but all we are left with is a bring site.’
Sharon Corcoran, Director of Environment Services with Cork County Council said they had two options available: one is to turn it into a CAS site, which will cost money, or to tidy it up the facility.
‘Both will cost money and it won’t be ready by summertime regardless. I’m of the view that we have to do something there,’ said Sharon Corcoran.
Other councilors echoed the concerns of Cllr Carroll about the need for a CAS for Skibbereen. Cllr Noel O’Donovan said he hoped that the facility would be upgraded to CAS as rubbish is a very serious issue in West Cork.
Cllr Christopher O’Sullivan said that Skibbereen has the potential to become the Number 1 tourist town except that it doesn’t have a CAS.
‘Skibbereen is being let down big time and my main concern from now until September is that tourists will have no place to put their rubbish,’ added Cllr Carroll.