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Took knife from Chinese restaurant and chased youths across car park

February 25th, 2021 11:45 AM

By Southern Star Team

Took knife from Chinese restaurant and chased youths across car park Image
The defendant pushed his way into the kitchen area of the Chinese restaurant and picked up a knife, and left.

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A CONVICTED killer has pleaded guilty to a series of charges arising out of events in Skibbereen in April 2019.

Cork Circuit Court heard how Anthony Leahy (32) had armed himself with a knife after going into the kitchen of a Chinese restaurant in the town, and then chased a group of youths across a supermarket car park, with the knife in his hand.

Leahy, who was previously convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to eight years in prison, pleaded guilty to several charges relating to April 22nd 2019, in Skibbereen.

Leahy, with an address at Acorn House, Drimoleague, admitted causing damage to a counter latch at the China Kitchen restaurant in Skibbereen, being in possession of a knife in the car park of that premises, engaging in threatening behaviour at Bridge Street and jumping over the counter (trespassing) at Mizzoni’s Pizzeria on Bridge Street in the same town.

Det Gda James Keane said Leahy was socialising at the pizzeria with another male and they got into an argument.

‘He took off his jacket and top and threw it on the floor,’ said Gda Keane. ‘There was an altercation outside at 3.29am.’

He added that Leahy returned with blood on his face and vaulted the counter looking for a knife to kill the guy outside. Employees ushered him outside the counter.

The garda also told the court that CCTV had shown Leahy walking down Bridge Street, and then starting to run.

At 3.45am he walked into The China Kitchen, pushed his way into the private kitchen area, and picked up a kitchen knife and left.

He then walked across Field’s car park and was seen chasing a group of youths, with a knife in his right hand.

Arrested later that morning, he made admissions to the various offences.

Det Garda Keane said the accused had previous convictions including one for manslaughter in June 2013.

He had been living in Passage West at that time and was cleared by a jury of the murder of Jonathan Daly and was instead found guilty of his manslaughter, on January 19th 2012. Leahy claimed he was responding to an attack and threats on his girlfriend and her family.

Det Garda Keane told the Circuit Court that the manslaughter also involved a knife.

Judge Seán Ó Donnabháin adjourned sentencing in the Skibbereen incidents to October 29th, and remanded the accused on continuing bail.

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