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TDs held up life-saving laws

March 8th, 2020 8:00 PM

TDs held up life-saving laws Image

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SIR – I wish to respond to the letter by Ruth Foley published in your venerable newspaper in the February 22nd edition.

Gloating about the pro-abortion candidates’ failure to gain seats may well be laudable to those anti-abortionists, but the comment of ‘there is a place in Irish politics for public representatives who respect human life at all stages’ represents fake news. For example, I will write about Michael Collins as I know his views well and they are shared by others on the list – I hope not all! Collins has made his views clear on the issue of drink driving, knocking Shane Ross in the process. A group of TDs wilfully held the passage of drink driving legislation delaying it by many months ... or was it years? 

During that time there would have been deaths on roads due to drunk driving. Surely this is a lack of respect for human life at all stages?

I have met families who have been devastated by deaths, I can only hope that in future, if these laws are strengthened, then those anti-abortionists will vote unreservedly in favour – to show a respect for life at all stages.

Arthur Nesbitt, 

Sheep’s Head.


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