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Tara gets climate change role at UN

October 15th, 2020 7:05 AM

By Emma Connolly

Tara gets climate change role at UN Image
Kinsale-based environmentalist Dr Tara Shine is starting a new role with the UN.

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KINSALE-based Dr Tara Shine is to play a major role in helping to keep the global temperature rise to the critical 1.5 degrees, after being appointed to a senior UN role.

Dr Shine, a recent guest on The Southern Star Coronavirus podcast, will be a co-facilitator of the structured expert dialogue under the UN framework convention on climate change.

Her role will be about ‘facilitating a discussion between scientists and policy makers on the latest information and understanding we have of the temperature goals set in the Paris Agreement and our progress toward achieving them.’

Essentially, this skilled climate change negotiator will play a pivotal role in coordinating with scientists and policy makers.  ‘I was really impressed by the first structured expert dialogue as the report it produced helped to make the case for the inclusion of the 1.5 temperature goal in the Paris Agreement and that goal is key to keeping us all safe.  So when I was asked by the EU to consider putting my name forward for the second dialogue of this type, I immediately said yes.’

She will continue to run Change by Degrees with Madeline Murray.

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