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Star welcomes new deputy editor

March 6th, 2025 1:00 PM

Star welcomes new deputy editor Image

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THIS week, The Southern Star welcomed a new senior team member on board as Cork native Marian Roche joined the editorial team as deputy editor.

From Bartlemy near Fermoy, Marian has spent the last three years working as a senior reporter with The Avondhu newspaper, focusing on local politics, environmental matters, and sporting successes across North Cork, West Waterford, South Tipperary, and South East Limerick.

Ms Roche completed a bachelor of arts in philosophy and theology in Mary Immaculate College in Limerick, before attaining a HDip in the National University of Galway. Gaining her journalistic experience on the ground, she moved into the newspaper industry from a role in Cork County Council, where she worked closely with small business start-ups with the Local Enterprise Office.

She can be contacted at [email protected], or by phone on 086 8206873.

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