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Sophie hoping Lady Gaga will hear her duet

September 13th, 2019 8:03 PM

By Kieran O'Mahony

Sophie hoping Lady Gaga will hear her duet Image
Sophie Healy from Donoughmore, is hoping that Lady Gaga will get to see the video of her singing her Oscar-winning song Shallow.

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A 13-year-old girl whose duet with a complete stranger went viral (pictured) is hoping that Lady Gaga will get to see the video of her singing her Oscar-winning song Shallow

A 13-YEAR-old girl whose duet with a complete stranger went viral (pictured) is hoping that Lady Gaga will get to see the video of her singing her Oscar-winning song Shallow.

Sophie Healy from Donoughmore, a 2nd year at Coachford Community College, told The Southern Star that the reaction to the video has been amazing and joked that her entire parish has now heard about it!

‘It hasn’t really sunk in yet and the video, which was shot by my mum Natalie, has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times,’ said Sophie.

‘I started busking in Cork in the middle of June after I got my holidays and it’s been a brilliant experience. My mum Natalie always accompanies me while I’m singing.’

While singing on Oliver Plunkett St three weeks ago, Sophie was approached by a random stranger and asked could she sing Shallow with him.

‘I was actually doing my last song of the day and this guy – whose name is Dave and from Germany – came up to me and asked could I sing the song with him. He’d seen me sing an earlier duet with busker Bubba Shakespeare. I was a bit nervous as I hadn’t performed the song before, but he  was well able to sing the song.’

Sophie’s mum, Nathalie, who was there at the time filmed it and put it on her Facebook and the interest in the video quickly grew from there and Sophie shared it on her own Instagram page.

Now they are hoping Lady Gaga will see the video because her cousin’s cousin works with the singer’s tour team and she plans to show it to her in Las Vegas next month where the singer will be performing.

‘It would be fantastic if she saw it and Dave said he was overwhelmed by the reaction to their video,’ added Sophie, who sings with the Cork Academy of Popular Music.

Sophie, incidentally, is a second cousin of Paul McDonnell who featured in The Southern Star recently with his coffee dock, The Nosey Neigh Bar.

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