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Skibbereen man had cannabis packaged in 14 small bags

December 12th, 2023 10:30 PM

By Southern Star Team

Skibbereen man had cannabis packaged in 14 small bags Image

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A SKIBBEREEN man found in possession of €1,000 worth of cannabis was convicted of having the drug for the purpose of sale or supply.

John O’Driscoll of 10 Mardyke Drive, Skibbereen, was legally represented on three sets of charges at Skibbereen District Court by solicitor Flor Murphy. Mr Murphy said there was ‘a plea to everything’, including a charge of cannabis possession at his home on March 30th last.

The accused was fined €200 for that offence but on a charge of having the cannabis for purpose of sale and supply, Judge James McNulty imposed an eight-month sentence, which he suspended for two years.

The suspension comes with a variety of conditions, including a bond to peace and be of good behaviour, and have absolutely nothing to do with drugs. The accused is also to submit himself to a review process that will involve, in the short-term, daily signing on at Skibbereen Garda Station.

John O’Driscoll is also to abide by a curfew and is to present himself at Skibbereen District Court once a month.

Initially, Gda Karen O’Flynn said one small pack of cannabis was found on the accused but during the search of his home they found cannabis packaged in 14 small, plastic bags. The total value of the drug was estimated at €1,000.

Two mobile phones, owned by the accused, were also found during the search and examined. Both phones contained a substantial number of texts in which John O’Driscoll offered drugs for sale. In relation to an incident at Newbridge Park on November 13th last, Gda O’Flynn said gardaí responded to a complaint and when they arrived they witnessed the accused shouting at the occupants of a house and using abusive language.

‘He was asked to desist but he continued to shout,’ said the garda. ‘He was arrested because he was intoxicated and a danger to himself and others.’

On a charge of being drunk the accused was ordered to enter into a probation bond for a year. But the charge of engaging in threatening and abusive behaviour was adjourned.

When deferring the penalty, the judge said: ‘That leaves him under the scrutiny of the court.’ The third set of charges related to an incident that occurred two days later.

On November 15th, gardaí responded to a complaint of criminal damage at Newbridge Park.

Mr Murphy said his client admitted kicking a door but he denies causing damage to a glass panel in the door. It was the solicitor who said the incidents related to ‘a difference of opinion between two households – all of whom are first cousins.’

Mr Murphy told the court that his client is addicted to weed and had started selling it to feed his own habit.

‘Now he wants an opportunity to put things right,’ said Mr Murphy, who suggested he be given the chance to do some community service. Judge McNulty ordered the accused to do 200 hours community service in respect of the criminal damage charge. That order was made in lieu of 90 days imprisonment.

The first review date has been set for Skibbereen District Court on December 12th. The judge also requested the production of a probation officer’s report but said that need not be presented until the January 23rd sitting.

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