CORK County Council has granted the Skibbereen-based company West Cork Distillers permission to retain some existing expansion works and change the use of its planned visitor centre to a distillery, as well as granting planning permission for additional construction work.
The local authority granted permission for the retention of a 28-space car park, first floor offices, a distillery stack, a machinery building and electrical room, as well as a grain intake area, which includes six grain silos and gantries.
Other works, such as a firefighting water retention tank, a boiler house, and a sump for fire water diversion were granted permission too.
Meanwhile, the Council granted planning permission for the construction of a new 60 tonne gas tank to replace the existing 30 tonne gas tank, a grain intake building, two 40-ft containers for water treatment, two new heating and power plants and a new workshop building, all at the company’s base of operations at the Fastnet Industrial Estate at Marsh Road in Skibbereen.
The Council’s order states that both the permission, and the permission for retention, is to be granted – subject to the planning conditions – provided no appeal is made to An Bord Pleanála within the statutory timeframe.
As part of the 15 conditions, the company must recycle all solid waste from construction as far as possible. And any hazardous, or contaminated wastes, such as asbestos, are to be disposed of at an approved facility.
During construction, noise levels emanating from the work site are not to exceed 55dBA to protect the residential amenities of the area between the hours of 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday inclusive; and the noise levels are not to exceed 45 dBA at any other time.
The company is also tasked with ensuring that the development is served by adequate water and wastewater facilities, and it is to enter into a connection agreement with Uisce Éireann where appropriate.
Due to the residential risk of the overtopping of the flood relief scheme defences, the project is to be developed in accordance with the town’s flood awareness plan and the flood emergency response plan.