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Rower to make landfall in Baltimore

August 28th, 2024 5:21 PM

By Jackie Keogh

Rower to make landfall in Baltimore Image
Patrick Favre's progress can be traced online.

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BREAKING: People are gathering in Baltimore to greet the Frenchman Patrick Favre, who is reportedly rowing his way to Ireland from Canada.

Although details are still sketchy, Patrick Favre’s progress can be tracked online and the markers show he is currently off the south west coast.

It has been suggested that Ireland wasn’t his original destination but it was, given the prevailing weather conditions, safer than the north of France.

It is understood that Patrick Favre is a world champion medallist who became a coach after competing.

Word of his journey and his unscheduled stop-off in West Cork has got out and people are gathering at the pier to give him a proper Irish welcome.


Update: Frenchman Patrick Favre has rowed all the way from Canada to Ireland and this is the moment he set foot in Baltimore.




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