RIVERSTICK is in urgent need of a Road Safety Audit (RSA) due to ongoing concerns from the community about road safety issues, according to a local councillor.
Cllr Ann Bambury (SD) raised a motion at a recent meeting of Bandon Kinsale Municipal District calling on Cork County Council to engage with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to conduct the safety audit for Riverstick with a TII-approved audit team.
She said there is a huge difference now between traffic in Riverstick and in nearby Belgooly, where successful traffic calming measures were introduced.
‘I’ve received numerous contacts from residents in Riverstick about the traffic issue there and the difficulties in crossing the road and really feel an RSA should be carried out there,’ said Cllr Bambury.
Cllr Alan Coleman (Ind) seconded her motion and said it urgently needs to be addressed.
‘We have a pedestrian crossing in the middle of the village and it needs to be raised and controlled.
‘We also need another crossing west of the village,’ said Cllr Coleman. He queried if the Council should look for funding and do the work themselves.
‘Raised platforms weren’t acceptable before, but we should revisit it again. It would control traffic coming down the hill. The amount of funding is a fraction of what is needed in an RSA.’
Cllr Marie O’Sullivan (FG) also supported the motion and said another pinch point is when matches are being held in the village which she said can be ‘dangerous.’
Cllr Gillian Coughlan (FF) said she requested a speed survey for the village last year, noting that residents are very concerned about speeding.
‘Belgooly is slowing down and it’s only fair Riverstick gets the same,’ she said.
Council officials said they are currently working with the design office for a scheme similar to Belgooly to include traffic calming measures and will be dependent on funding from the National Transport Authority (NTA).