‘What was his surname?’ ‘Murphy.’ The woman could be forgiven for asking the question because most people knew Frank Murphy as ‘Frankie Burgers’, or to give his business its full title ‘Frankie’s Badass Burgers’.
‘What was his surname?’
The woman could be forgiven for asking the question because most people knew Frank Murphy as ‘Frankie Burgers’, or to give his business its full title ‘Frankie’s Badass Burgers’.
Once, at a party in his adopted hometown of Schull, he was asked about his big, bold, bolshie style – his persona – and he said: ‘Well, there’s a reason it’s not called Frankie’s Polite Burgers.’
Not everyone loved Frankie’s irreverent style but lots and lots of people did. It would, however, be fair to say that everyone who bought one of his burgers would attest to the fact that he made what were probably the best burgers in all of West Cork, or maybe even Ireland.
Having taken a chance on running a stall at Skibbereen Market a few years ago, Frankie soon realised he was onto something good and gave up the day job as a chef in a local restaurant. And his latest venture – running the grill at The Bodega in Cork – heralded something big.
To those who knew this Cork boy – this wide boy – as a stallholder in the market, as someone to have the banter with, or someone to work alongside of, he will be sadly missed. But to his wife, Julie, his sisters Maria and Paula, his sudden loss will be very great indeed.
His passing means there is now a space at Skibbereen Market – a space that won’t easily be filled. There is a void too within West Cork’s famous food community because Frankie was nothing if not passionate about food. He will be missed. Rest in peace.