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Public advised of industrial action at hospitals on May 18th

May 17th, 2022 6:04 PM

By Jackie Keogh

Public advised of industrial action at hospitals on May 18th Image
Industrial action will disrupt hospital appointments on Wednesday May 18th. (Photo: Shutterstock)

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There will be significant disruption and service delays in hospitals tomorrow – from 8am until 8pm on Wednesday May 18th –  due to the planned Industrial Action by the MLSA, according to the South/South West Hospital Group.

The industrial action will lead to the cancellation of many inpatient and day-case elective procedures and hospital outpatient appointments across the country.

Routine GP testing services will be suspended for the day and while some limited services will continue wide-scale disruption to patients services cannot be avoided.

For information on cancelled procedures, please visit

The South/South West Hospital Group is requesting that members of the general public only attend at Emergency Departments if absolutely necessary.

Management at South/South West Hospital Group would like to remind the general public that they should explore all other options available to them prior to attending an Emergency Department.

Emergency Departments will continue as always to prioritise the treatment of the sickest and most urgent patients
Hospitals in the South South West Hospital Group have been contacting patients directly to cancel appointments.

As this is a developing situation the South South West Hospital Group is asking patients not to phone hospitals at this time.

Hospitals will provide further clarity as soon as possible and information from all hospitals is available on

Appointments and procedures disrupted by the strikes will be rescheduled as soon as possible.

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