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President offers condolence on death of Mary Banotti

May 11th, 2024 2:59 PM

By Jackie Keogh

President offers condolence on death of Mary Banotti Image
The late Mary Banotti.

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Mary Banotti, the grand-niece of Michael Collins, has died.

President Michael D Higgins paid tribute to the long-serving MEP saying: ‘I join with all of those who have paid tribute to the life, work and generous personality of the late Mary Banotti.

‘Mary Banotti (84) made a very significant contribution to Irish life, both in her 20 years of service to the people of Dublin as a Member of the European Parliament, and through the many important causes which she played such an active role in supporting over the course of her life.

‘I had the privilege of personally knowing Mary over a number of decades and had the deepest respect for her principled positions on these important issues,' he said.

‘Among those many noteworthy contributions and achievements were those she made as a co-founder of Women’s Aid, as chairperson of the Rutland Centre for Drug Abuse, in combating child abduction and in support of the environment.

‘May I extend my deepest sympathies to Mary’s daughter Tania, to her sister Nora Owen and to all of her extended family, and to her many colleagues and friends across Ireland, Europe and beyond,’ the president concluded.

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