Celebrating their Leaving Cert results at Bandon Grammar School were Sarah Shannon, Ballinascarthy and Rachel Cane, Bandon. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Ella Murphy, Macroom; Síofra Hegarty, Enniskeane and Rachel O'Shaughnessy, Kinsale at Bandon Grammar School. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Also there were, left: Adam Hutchinson, Zack Canniffe and Seán Lamby, all from Bandon. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Emilija Dabryte at Scoil Phobail Bhéara with her teacher Noralene Ní Urdail. (Photo: Anne Marie Cronin)

Maja Krzyskow jumping for joy with Chloe O'Connor, all celebrating in the school. (Photo: Anne Marie Cronin)

Top right: Twin sisters Lauren and Nicola Kelly. (Photo: Anne Marie Cronin)

With their results, at the Sacred Heart Secondary School in Clonakilty were Adiba Akhter, Aimee Mulcahy, both Clonakilty; Claire Forde, Ahiohill and Emma Nyhan, Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Delighted with their Leaving Certificate results at the Sacred Heart Secondary School, Clonakilty were (left to right): Kate Nolan, Sophie Mortell and Deirdre O’Neill, all from Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

At Bandon Grammar getting their results, from left: Sam Prior, Bandon; Tony Cleary, Ballineen; Cian Ring, Bandon and Aran Phillios, Belgooly. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Eve Cave, Bandon and Ciara Graham, Bandon on Leaving Cert results day. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Ann Marie Brosnan, principal, Sacred Heart Secondary School, Clonakilty (front centre) and vice-principal, Brendan Walsh (back left), with some of their Leaving Certificate pupils– front (from left): Deirdre O’Neill, Grace O’Sulivan, Rhiannon Finney, Alex O’Sullivan and Sinead O’Mahony. Middle: Kate Nolan, Orla Kingston, Ciara Allman and Sophie Mortell. Back: Alice White, Caoimhe McEvoy, Aoife O’Flynn Meade and Clodagh Kelleher. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Celebrating their results at Bandon Grammar School were Shuchi Singh, Ballincollig; Isaac Sutton, Monkstown; Jessica Hurley, Schull; Lauren Graham, Clonakilty and Rebecca Ferguson, Douglas. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Leaving Certificate students from the Sacred Heart Secondary School, Clonakilty – from left: Deirdre O’Neill,Cáit O’Mahony, Caoimhe McEvoy, Aoife O’Mahony and Ciardha McCarthy. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Emma Collins, Ellen O’Riordan, Niamh Kennedy, Alannah Oldham and Aoife O’Flynn Meade. (Photos: Martin Walsh)

Celebrating their results at Bandon Grammar School were Alanna Hyde, Innishannon; Christopher Quinlan, Bandon; Milo Donovan-Forsey, Enniskeane and Liam Prior, Bandon. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

With Bandon Grammar School principal Niamh McShane were Eve Cave, who achieved six H1s and Ralph Sutton, with seven H1s. (Photo: Andy Gibson)