At the St Brogan's college Bandon grads were Roisín Curtain, Rachel Perrott and Lucy McCarthy. Left: (Photo: Denis Boyle)

At the Sacred Heart Secondary School Clonakilty Debs celebrations were (left to right): Rowan Hurd, Clonakilty, Alannah Sexton, Courtmacsherry and Robyn Appelby, Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Richard Boyle from Tralee and Maia McCourt from Innishannon. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Nikola Wojnar from Bandon at Bandon Grammar School's graduation ball (Photos: Denis Boyle)

At Bandon Grammar School's graduation ball were Alice Barrett and Amy McCarthy from Bandon (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Also there were Aoife O’Flynn-Meade from Clonakilty and Olan O’Donovan from Courtmacsherry. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Grace Murphy from Ring and Johnny Walsh from Baltimore at the Sacred Heart Secondary School Clonakilty Debs celebrations.(Photo: Martin Walsh)

Amy McCarthy from Bandon and Jonah Dalton from Kinsale at the Bandon Grammar School grads ball. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Ailise O'Sullivan and James Collins at the Skibbereen Community School Debs Ball. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Kayla Scully and Grace Gallagher at the Skibbereen Community School Debs Ball. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

From left: Baltimore lads Kevin Harte, Tomek Lechtanski, Johnny Walsh, Harry Bushe and Jim Griffiths before the Skibbereen Community School Debs Ball (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Right: Seamus Griffiths and Frances Hegarty from Baltimore at the debs. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Alaia O'Sullivan, Caheragh and Niall Buckley, Shepperton before the Skibbereen Community School Debs. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Sarah Burrows, Newcestown and Kate O'Sullivan, Crossbarry, were also at the grads.(Photo: Denis Boyle)

At the St Brogan's College Bandon grads were Ruby O'Leary, Conor O'Sullivan and Niamh Quinn. (Photo: Denis Boyle)