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People must demand action on gigantic fishing rip off

February 28th, 2015 3:37 PM

By Southern Star Team

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Southern Star February 28 2015

Letters to EditorSIR – Recently a few Russian planes flew along parallel to the Irish coast. It caused a sensation. What were they doing there? Where were they going? Ireland doesn’t have a fleet of fighter planes – maybe we should have, etc, etc. The media had a great time.

For the year ended December 31st, 2014 over one thousand foreign fishing vessels, fishing in Irish waters, landed their catches into Castletownbere for onward shipment to continental Europe. Official figures for catches in Irish waters are €1.16 billion. This wasn’t mentioned in the media and the government and administration are silent.

In the meantime, Irish fishing vessels were tied up for lack of quota. With 20% of overall quota Irish vessels are allocated a mere 4% of the whitefish quota. Foreign vessels continue to fish without let or hindrance.

The Irish government continues to impose even harsher measures on the Irish people and increase unjust regulation on Irish vessels.

When will the Irish public wake up to this gigantic rip off and demand action? Is it any wonder so many voters are turning away in despair from the established parties?

Yours etc,

Donal O’Driscoll,

East End,


Tom Hassett,

c/o ‘Roseville,’

Sunday’s Well,


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