Keelbeg Pier was the setting for the Annual RNLI Swim. Th e course was set at 1K and 2K for both skill levels of swimmers. About 200 swimmers took part including groups of friends, club swimmers and those just wanting the challenge. All proceeds went to support the Union Hall RNLI. Here Heather O’ Donovan, Sophie Scarlett, Zoe O’ Brien, Caoimhe O’ Brien, Emer Jennings, Aéla French and Annie O’ Donovan get ready to start their swim. (Photo: Andrew Harris)

Vivienne McCarthy, Caheragh, and Méabh Gough on fi re with their Olympic fl ames at the Skibbereen Festival Street Party last Friday evening. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Bernadette O’Mahony, Marie Flanagan and Catherine Casey, otherwise known as the O’Donovan sisters, from Cork Road in Skibbereen dressed as the Olympic fl ames at the amazing Olympic Street Party at Skibbereen Arts Festival last Friday evening. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Lisa Harte, captain of the O’Donovan Rossa ladies team who won the All Ireland Junior title in December about to light the Skibbereen’s Olympic fl ame at the Arts Festival Street Party last Friday evening. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Th e Kinsale Regatta Festival was offi cially opened with a reception in Actons Hotel, with regatta committee members joined by local representatives, Kinsale Lions members, and emergency services personnel. Th e festival runs until August 5th. (Photo: John Allen)

Th e sun shone for Schull Agricultural Show and trying on fi refi ghters’ helmets for size were Saoirse and Fionn Hayes from Schull. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Dermot Sheehan from Ballydehob enjoys a cuppa while volunteering at the show. (Photo: Carlos Benlayo)

Enjoying the sunshine at the Bandon community garden fete was Mary O’Donovan with Denis and Marian Reynolds. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Sean O’Flynn, Paddy Ryan and Adam Clarke (Newcestown) at the West Cork Vintage Ploughing & Th reshing Association Charity Vintage Working Day. Adam drew the winning ticket from the drum in the raffl e. First prize was a CFMOTO 450 Quad Bike. Proceeds from the Vintage Working Day in Killavarrig, Timoleague will go to the New Autism Unit at Clogagh National school, Bantry Stroke Unit and Th e West Cork Jesters. (Photo: David Patterson)

Attending the West Cork Vintage Ploughing & Th reshing day at Kilavarrig, Timoleague on Sunday last were David Walsh, Ballinascarthy, Emma Lovell, Bandon, Jaynell Anderson, Rosscarbery and Andrew Fitzgibbon, Bandon. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Also in attendence was the Harrington family from Castletownbere (left to right): Maureen, Bobby, Danny and Finbarr (Photo: Martin Walsh)

The Fastnet Rock as seen from a sea kayak when Bantry-based sea kayakers Charlie Daly and Dan O'Leary kayaked to Fastnet from Cape Clear at dawn, landing near Schull later that morning.

A view from Ellen’s Rock of participants taking part in the annual Bisra GaddinAbtGarnish open swim around Garinish Island. All proceeds from the swim are in aid of Bantry Lifeboat.

Kevin O'Sullivan presenting the John O'Sullivan memorial cup to Shirley Shannon who was winner of the recent festival car treasure hunt. Also included are Ann O'Sullivan and Claire Deasy.

John Callaghan raised a sum of €16,336 with his Peak Week Carrauntoohil challenge. At a recent cheque presentation held at O’Donovan’s Hotel, the money was shared between three charities, Cancer Connect, West Cork Rapid Response and West Cork Underwater Search and Rescue. From left: Dena O’Donovan, O’Donovan’s Hotel; Jim Murphy, Cancer Connect; Sinead Crowley, Cancer Connect; Betty Hennessy, West Cork Rapid Response; John O’Callaghan, fundraiser; Catherine Callaghan; Eamonn Barry, West Cork Underwater Search and Rescue; Christopher O’Sullivan TD and Helen O’Driscoll, manager Cancer Connect. All three organisations thanked John Callaghan for his immense effort and also the public for their support and donations. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Chris Brownlow, Crosshaven and Declan Williamson, Clonakilty enjoying a cup of coffee in Spiller’s Lane, Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Fiona Keohane, Rosscarbery (left) with Eimear and Verona Hickey, Ahamilla enjoying the sunshine in Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Ann Cahalane from Clonakilty and her daughter Neela at the West Cork vintage and threshing day held in Kilavarrig, Timoleague last Sunday. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Sorcha O’Driscoll and Marty Orpen attending their Debs. (Photo: Anne Marie Cronin)

The Valley Rovers team who defeated Belgooly on July 19th to win the junior A hurling league.

Fr Finbarr Crowley celebrating the famine graveyard mass at Kilpadder.

Maureen Meghen and Lena O'Mahony enjoying the sunshine at the Bandon community garden fete. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Eilish Woods, Ballinacarriga and Jennifer Jennings, Enniskeane with Ernie the dog were busy registering participants at the tots tractor, car and truck run which was held in aid of MS Ireland West Cork Branch. (Photo: David Patterson)

Four-year-old twins Freddy and Bobby Cullen from Enniskeane enjoying their day at the tots tractor, car and truck run. (Photo: David Patterson)

Sarah Jane Sinnott from Schull with her class winning pony Shanbo Rory at the Schull Agricultural Show. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

At the awards day at Carrigboy National School, the Ms Sandra Award was presented to Rachel Kelleher, the pupil who was judged to best reflect the attributes of the late Sandra Dukelow. From left: Helen Burke (chairperson, board of management) and Rachel Kelleher with her parents Marie and Jerry.

Participants showing their delight as the crabs make their way back to the sea following the children’s crab fishing competition during the Courtmacsherry Harbour Festival. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

At the official opening of the Courtmacsherry Harbour Festival last Saturday evening were (seated, from left) Cllr Ann Bambury, Christopher O’Sullivan TD, Anat O’Donovan, county mayor Cllr Joe Carroll, Ellen Adams, Gerald O’Donovan (recipient of the recognition award) and Deirdre Barron. Standing (from left) Paul Hayes, Vincent O’Donovan, Senator Tim Lombard, Cllr Gillian Coughlan, Cllr John Michael Foley, Cllr John Collins and Rev Kingsley Sutton. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Amy Burke from Kilavarrig (left) with Katherine Butler, Ballinascarthy at the West Cork vintage ploughing and threshing day held at Kilavarrig, Timoleague last Sunday. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

A congregation of almost four hundred, along with the joint choirs of Rosscarbery and Lisavaird churches, came together to celebrate mass as a mark of appreciation to Fr John’s contribution to the parish over the last 17 years.

Evelyn Draper promoting the crafts which will be on display at the De Courcey vintage harvest day which will be held on bank holiday Monday.

Ken Forde from Belgooly at Croke Park where he promoted the Float to Live campaign, an initiative between the GAA and the RNLI.

Helen O'Keeffe and Shena Yolzari repainting the mural of Anne Bonny in Kinsale.

The Kinsale Tennis Club recently received Tennis Ireland Clubmark silver accreditation. Visiting the courts were (from left) Christopher O’Sullivan TD, Letty Lucas, chair of Tennis Ireland and Sean Lynch, president of the Kinsale Tennis Club.

The Tadhg MacCarthaigh U8 girls had a great morning of football last Saturday in Leap and are improving with every game. Back (from left) Emily Moore, Ellie Rose Crowley, Maggie Barry, Laura Murray, Aoibheann O’Sullivan and Anna Draper. Front (from left) Saoirse O’Regan, Amy McCarthy, Méabh Hayes, Aoibhín Barry, Kate Moyihan and Cara Reen.

Elizabeth McKennedy, May Gallagher, Sadie Gallagher and Orla Dennehy at the recent Cork County coastal rowing finals which were held in Castletownshend. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Zana Dunauskiene, Frances O'Donovan, Nicola McCarthy and Jo Veasey at the Skibbereen Arts Festival’s Olympic Street Party. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

The Ilen Rovers U8 boys performed very well against Kilmacabea last weekend. The team included (back, from left) Daniel Casey, Shane Murphy, Eoghan Collins, Sean O’Sullivan, Rowan O’Driscoll, Charlie O’Driscoll and Noah Harmon. Front (from left) Sean Holland, Tadgh Holland, Timothy Sheehy, Rory Keane, Patrick O’Driscoll, Archie Desmond and Conor Whooley.

The Ilen Rovers junior ladies panel that beat Bantry in the West Cork D2 championship semi-final are (back, from left) Anna Hurley, Meg Walshe, Amy Harte, Saorla Carey, Kellie Lynch, Grainne Connolly, Chloe Harte, Saoirse Harte Leonard, Cliodhna Herlihy, Victoria Haffner, Aishling Whooley, Alice Bushe, Eimear Carey, Mary Bushe and Aoife O'Driscoll. Front (from left) Leah Carey, Daisy Griffiths, Anna Collins, Alannah Cawley, Emma Hurley, Kate Carey, Diana Rose Coakley, Carla O'Regan, Keelin Murphy Maebh Collins and Ava Murphy.

Indy Doherty (7) from Schull enjoying petting a rabbit at the mobile petting farm at Schull Agricultural Show. (Photo: Andy Gibson)