Tánaiste Micheál Martin (centre) at start of the Great Wild Atlantic Marathon Walk in Courtmacsherry in aid of the Courtmacsherry RNLI. The event attracted more than 400 participants. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Cork football star Brian Hurley was a surpise visitor to the Castlehaven Cúl Camp which took place last week. Around 180 children took part in the event. (Photo: Andrew Harris)

Enjoying the Old Head Coast Guard Rocket re-enactmet walk at the the Old Head signal tower was Coleman Cogan with his horses Ned and Ted. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Ballingeary Pipe Band at Schull Regatta. (Photo by Carlos Benlayo)

Dressed as mermaids for the Fancy Dress Parade at the regatta were Ann Murphy; Grace O’Sullivan Murphy, and Petrina Shortt, all from Schull. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Lucia Downey and Laura Bevan enjoying their Colaiste Pobail Bheanntraí Debs Ball. (Photo: Tony McElhinney)

Sally O'Donovan, Ella McCarthy, Faye Murnane and Holly Sheehan enjoying their Colaiste Pobail Bheanntraí Debs Ball. (Photo: Tony McElhinney)

Marc O'Shea, Gavin O'Sullivan, Sean O'Shea, Fionn Cronin and Eoin Daly at the Colaiste Pobail Bheanntraí debs ball. (Photo: Tony McElhinney)

Pictured at the Grammar Debs is Maeve O'Sullivan. (Photo: Donie Hurley)

Alice Lehane, Holly Warren, Maeve O'Sullivan and Kate Hearnan at the Bandon Grammar debs. (Photo: Donie Hurley)