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Orlagh will mark family loss with Sandycove Island swim for charity

September 6th, 2024 8:00 AM

Orlagh will mark family loss with Sandycove Island swim for charity Image
Orlagh is planning to swim 1.8km around Sandycove island outside Kinsale this week.

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A CORK woman will remember close family members, who died shortly after birth, and raise funds for a children’s hospice with a special charity swim in Kinsale on Friday, September 6th.

Orlagh Patterson will raise funds for the LauraLynn Foundation through her 1.8km charity swim around Sandycove Island in Kinsale Harbour at 10am on Friday.

She is undertaking the fundraising event to mark the anniversary of the death of her twin brother, who died just one day after they were born, and the death of her niece’s son who died five days after his birth in December 2022.

‘I wanted to mark the death of my twin brother Michael Vincent Cassidy on the 50th  anniversary of his death, a day after what should have been our 50th birthday celebrations,’ said Orlagh, from Grattan Street in Cork.

‘We were due to be born in November 1974 but were delivered prematurely at just 26 weeks on September 5th. Both the hospital and my mother thought it was a single pregnancy and no one knew she was actually pregnant with twins. I remained in hospital until what would have been our due date in November, and my parents had to bury their newborn son.

‘In those days there were very few support services and my mother in particular had to cope with a traumatic birth, a premature baby who remained in hospital for another 14 weeks, and the loss of her son as best she could.

‘Our family was once again starkly reminded of the devastation this kind of loss can cause when my niece’s son, Liam, died at just five days old in December 2022. I knew I wanted to do something to mark both deaths and I asked my niece what organisation gave her and her family the most support after their loss and she said the LauraLynn charity.

‘They are still helping her and her family now. My mom didn’t have that support when she lost her son.’

Orlagh has completed a number of mixed triathlons over the years. The swim around Sandycove will take around 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Orlagh inherited her love of swimming from her dad, who passed away just a few weeks ago, and gave Orlagh her love of swimming. He was involved in the Cork Masters Swimming Club for many years and taught lifesaving classes, and swam around Sandycove Island on numerous occasions. This will be Orlagh’s first time to undertake this particular swim.

Orlagh is setting up an idonate link for people to support this worthy cause.

‘This swim is not about me. It’s about raising awareness of the great work that LauraLynn do and the support they provide to families struggling with the toughest situations any one can face.

It’s also important for people to know that support is there. I really hope people can get behind me and support this worthy cause while remembering my brother Micheal and my niece’s son Liam.’

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