FOCUS Ireland is a non-profit organisation that provides services for people who are homeless, or who are at risk of homelessness.
It was founded by Sister Stanislaus Kennedy in 1985 and is one of the largest housing and homelessness organisations in Ireland.
In one recent year, it helped over 15,000 people.
It receives half of its finances through State funding and it relies on donations from the public for the other half.
Muintir Bhaire Foróige Club decided to help the organisation a few months ago and organised a cake sale for Focus Ireland last December.
Members of the group held the sale outside Durrus and Kilcrohane churches on Sunday, December 8th.
The support from local people was amazing and Foróige raised €585 for the very worthy cause on the day.
Cian, representing Focus Ireland, came to Muintir Bháire recently to receive the cheque for the amount raised and to talk to the members about how the money will be used to help people in need.