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Man in his 20s charged with Enniskeane burglary

February 4th, 2021 9:54 AM

By Kieran O'Mahony

Man in his 20s charged with Enniskeane burglary Image
A man in his 20s has been charged with a burglary after being questioned at Bandon Garda Station

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Gardaí have arrested and charged a man in his 20s in relation to a burglary in Enniskeane on January 11th last.

Gardaí in Bandon received a report that a vacant house in Enniskeane had been broken into overnight and that tools had been stolen. Detectives began gathering CCTV from the area whilst uniform gardaí carried out house-to-house enquiries.

On February 3rd, gardaí arrested a man in relation to the investigation. He was detained at Bandon Garda Station under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984.

He has since been charged and is due to appear before Bandon District Court on February 12th at 10.30am.

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