A local development group in Gougane Barra is to apply to the High Court for a judicial review over the recent controversial decision by An Bord Pleanála to grant planning permissions for a windfarm in the area.
Coiste Forbartha Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh CLG is now seeking to raise funds in the next two weeks for an estimated sum of €95,000, while a recent online petition garnered over 10,000 signatures with people from over 40 countries around the world having signed it.
'Raising this amount of money is a difficult challenge for a small community. We invite everyone touched by the magic of Gougane Barra to join us in this fight to preserve it by making a contribution to the cause, no matter how small. Campaign spokesman,' Neil Lucey of the Gougane Barra Hotel told The Southern Star.
'If we exceed our goal, any excess funds will be used to enhance the community in the locality of Gougane Barra, for the residents and the many visitors who come here every year to share this haven with us. As the ancient Irish proverb goes: Ní neart go chur le chéile – there is no strength without unity.'
To donate please follow this link: https://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/SaveGouganeBarraFund
Read more in next week's edition of The Southern Star