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Locals have a chance to adopt a monument

February 27th, 2025 8:45 AM

By Southern Star Team

Locals have a chance to adopt a monument Image
The Baltimore Ringfort was ‘adopted’ as part of the scheme by the Baltimore Community Council Ringfort Sub-Group in 2022.

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WEST Cork monuments can be adopted by community groups as part of a scheme designed to get local people involved in the care and conservation of them.

The Heritage Council’s ‘Adopt a Monument’ scheme is seeking applications from local groups and will offer them expertise, mentoring and support to help them to care for their local heritage.

The Baltimore Ringfort was ‘adopted’ as part of the scheme by the Baltimore Community Council Ringfort Sub-Group in 2022, with the aim of raising awareness of the ringfort so it could be appreciated by the community. Since then, a number of heritage events have taken place at the site alongside a programme of geophysics.

Since the scheme’s inception in 2016, 30 groups across the country have adopted monuments in their locality, ranging from ring forts like the one in Baltimore, to 19th century industrial buildings, medieval churches and even an old castle.

‘The Adopt a Monument Scheme is a wonderful way of ensuring our monuments remain an integral part of a community,’ said Virginia Teehan, chief executive of the Heritage Council.

‘Maintaining them and caring for them requires much-needed expertise and resources which is exactly what the scheme provides. We can already see the positive effect the scheme has had on the areas where a monument was adopted, and the pride of place and increased civic value brought about the efforts of our dedicated community groups is very satisfying to see.’

Suitable heritage sites include ancient tombs, stone circles, early monasteries, castles, churches and graveyards, landed estates, mines, kilns, mills, traditional houses and battlefields – however the Heritage Council say they take a ‘very broad view’ of heritage when considering applications.

The closing date for applications March 21st 2025.

Further information about the scheme and the application process can be found on

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