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Local fisherman Sean becomes new helm at Union Hall RNLI

July 27th, 2024 3:00 PM

By Southern Star Team

Local fisherman Sean becomes new helm at Union Hall RNLI Image
Helm Sean Walsh is also a local fisherman in Union Hall.

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VOLUNTEER crew member with Union Hall RNLI, Sean Walsh last week became a helm for the station.

A helm is responsible for the inshore lifeboat during launching, at sea and through recovery, as well as the safety of the crew onboard.

Sean, a local fisherman in his 20s, undertook intensive training and assessments both at the lifeboat station and at the RNLI’s lifeboat college in Poole in Dorset in the UK.

Following the success of his final assessment, Sean can now be responsible for taking command of the lifeboat and ensuring volunteers remain safe while afloat.

‘I really enjoyed the training,’ he said. ‘It was a really beneficial experience and it gave me new-found confidence in my role as a volunteer crew member and now as helm.’

During his training and assessment, Sean was supported by the rest of the volunteer crew and now fellow helms, based in Union Hall.

‘All of us at Union Hall RNLI are delighted that Sean’s hard work and commitment to his training and the RNLI has paid off,’ said John Kelleher, lifeboat operations manager at Union Hall RNLI. ‘He has achieved the status of RNLI helm. Welcome aboard, Sean.’

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