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Livelihoods depend on Bantry flood relief scheme, says Collins

June 19th, 2024 8:05 AM

By Jackie Keogh

Livelihoods depend on Bantry flood relief scheme, says Collins Image

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BANTRY-BASED Cllr Danny Collins has appealed to the community to give preliminary plans for the town’s flood relief scheme its full backing.

‘I would hope that the final plans would go through the planning process and that there will be no objections because people’s livelihoods and homes depend on this,’ he told The Southern Star following a recent public consultation day.

The Maritime Hotel was the venue for the information day, and from 4pm until 8pm there was a steady stream of residents, business owners, and other interested parties keen to meet the project team and learn about the emerging potential options for the scheme.

Ross Kinsella, the project manager, said that the significance of the open day was to seek feedback from the public and other interested parties on the options being considered.

Potential solutions for areas and properties identified as a flood risk were outlined under three main categories – namely the Mill catchment area, the Mealagh catchment area, and coastal defence.

Anyone who was unable to attend the public participation day is invited to submit their comments in writing to Bantry Flood Relief Scheme, JBA Consulting, Unit 24 Grove Island, Corbally, Limerick, or email: [email protected]

Meanwhile, another public participation event will be taking place when the preferred scheme has been identified.

Cllr Collins said: ‘This is going to be a massive project for the town.

‘There was a lot of information to take in but it is a positive first step for the implementation of a flood defence scheme, which the town has been crying out for for the last 50 years.’

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