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Life-saving public defibrillator will be a ‘vital asset’ for Dunmanway

July 30th, 2024 8:30 AM

By Martin Claffey

Life-saving public defibrillator will be a ‘vital asset’ for Dunmanway Image
Yvonne Cahalane of CFR Dunmanway demonstrating lifesaving CPR techniques to Ind Ire Cllr Daniel Sexton and Mayor of Cork Joe Carroll. (Photo: Flash Photography Studio)

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A PUBLIC defibrillator launched in Dunmanway is a ‘vital asset’ that will save lives, the chief executive of the National Ambulance Service said.

County Mayor Joe Carroll launched Community First Responders Dunmanway’s public defibrillator last week, marking a major milestone for the volunteer group which is dedicated to saving lives through rapid response to emergency calls.

CFR Dunmanway started with one kit bag and one defibrillator covering a 10km radius, said coordinator Yvonne Cahalane. ‘We have now expanded our reach to a 15km radius, from Ballineen to Drimoleague, Coppeen to Drinagh, and everywhere in between. Since our first call in September 2022, we have responded to over 155 calls, including 52 this year alone.

‘Each volunteer carries a kit bag complete with a defibrillator, ready to provide life-saving assistance as quickly as possible. When you call 999, we get the call and respond. Our work is guided by trust and confidentiality. While the specifics of our interventions may remain unknown to the public, we know we have saved lives, provided comfort to families, and brought reassurance in times of uncertainty.’

CFR Dunmanway offers free training to the public, businesses, organisations, schools, and clubs, and assists in maintaining defibrillators or in future purchases. ‘We strongly encourage everyone to have a defibrillator accessible outside to save lives.’

Mayor of Co Cork Cllr Joe Carroll was joined by Cllr Noel O’Donovan and Cllr Daniel Sexton and they witnessed a hands-on demonstration of CPR, showcasing the crucial skills that CFR Dunmanway responders bring to their life-saving efforts. Kieran Cahalane, a dedicated responder and instructor with CFR Dunmanway, demonstrated how to access the defibrillator cabinet and use the AED, providing attendees with a clear understanding of its operation in emergencies.

Mayor Carroll  commended Yvonne Cahalane and the  CFR Dunmanway team for their remarkable achievements. Yvonne was named  CFR Coordinator of the Year 2023. National Ambulance Service chief executive Stephen O’Flaherty welcomed the new public defibrillator to Dunmanway and praised CFR Dunmanway as one of the highest responding groups nationally. ‘Statistically, 36% of deaths in Ireland are due to heart attacks, making this public defibrillator a vital asset for Dunmanway,’ he said.

Following a heartfelt acknowledgment of all funders, sponsors, and volunteers by Yvonne Cahalane ‘Our amazing volunteer team – Laura Burchill, Kieran Cahalane, Mary O’Donnell, and John Forde – your commitment and teamwork have been the driving force behind our success’, County Mayor Joe Carroll officially activated the Dunmanway public defibrillator by attaching the battery to the AED, bringing it to life.

CFR Dunmanway thanked its  funders and sponsors and to Cork County Council.

‘As we celebrate the launch of Dunmanway’s public defibrillator, we hope it is never needed, but we remain optimistic about its accessibility in emergencies. As we say in CFR Dunmanway, “We hope you never need us, but we’re here when you do.”’

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