A CHARA – Isn’t is time for us to man up and admit that our economic future lies with our natural trading partners – the USA and the UK – rather than the shambles that the EU is becoming? We were all sold a promise of a trading partnership of free nations, and instead we have seen a steady centralising of power and administration far from the workface, which contributes to its huge inefficiency.
A CHARA – Isn’t is time for us to man up and admit that our economic future lies with our natural trading partners – the USA and the UK – rather than the shambles that the EU is becoming? We were all sold a promise of a trading partnership of free nations, and instead we have seen a steady centralising of power and administration far from the workface, which contributes to its huge inefficiency. They could not even balance their books for the last fifteen years.
Instead of crawling to Brussels to try to extract more favours, we should be looking hard at the realities and consider a national debate on withdrawing from this organisation which proved to David Cameron that it seems incapable of reforming itself.
The word has gone from decrying ‘the suicidal action of the UK’ to panic that they will out-compete us in the world market – and why? Precisely because they have disengaged themselves from EU regulations designed to keep the outer fringe members subservient to the Big Six. Our leaders want us to beg to be allowed to keep our low corporate tax: the UK are just doing it.
Instead of trying to claim that Enda Kenny has some kind of ‘favoured status,’ let us remember what happened the very weekend after the Brexit vote:
The Big Six – who are the real masters of the EU – held a private meeting to decide what to do next. Enda protested that all 27 nations ‘have to’ be involved. Are you so sure, Taoiseach? At the meeting of the Big Six, we weren’t even invited to bring in the tea tray.
Is mise, le meas,
M Ó Fearghaíl,
Sallybrook House,