Now ask what are The Lancet and vegans doing to protect our planet as individuals beside blowing hot air? Are they doing any carbon offsetting in their own lives?
SIR – Our farm leaders need to step up and expose the truth. It isn’t just up to farmers to save the planet; the everyday consumer has a major role to play as well. It is time to wake up and realise it’s in all of our interest to save the planet then it’s ‘carbon offsetting’ is the only way to go.
The everyday consumer who lives in a house drives a car, rides a bicycle and eats both vegetables and meat in their diet need to do ‘carbon offsetting’ because all of the aforementioned have a carbon foot prints. Stop blaming farmers, as we are only one spoke in a very large wheel that need to take action.
By this, I mean any carbon dioxide we produce in our day should contra with tech systems devised to save energy that would have used carbon products to generate that energy. Now ask what are The Lancet and vegans doing to protect our planet as individuals beside blowing hot air? Are they doing any carbon offsetting in their own lives?
We can all make this world a better place and people must be fed nourishing food to regenerate their bodies to cope with lost energy. Their sensational headlines will only fuel eating disorders which are already at historic levels in young people.
These people with a different agenda’s promoting their own products or name often by fear tactics must be exposed. My proof to young people of the quality of food that is produced on the farm is that they need never be in fear of farming produce because their parents, grandparents and even their great grandparents ate these products every day and lived a long and health life.
I rest my case.
Michael Flynn,
Agriculture commentator,
Co Waterford.