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LETTER: Israel and United States joined at hip

December 30th, 2017 5:00 PM

By Southern Star Team

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SIR – Donald Trump's ‘Jerusalem declaration' shows that the US administration is virtually joined at the hip with that of Benjamin Netanyahu.

SIR – Donald Trump’s ‘Jerusalem declaration’ shows that the US administration is virtually joined at the hip with that of Benjamin Netanyahu. No longer can the US pass itself off as an honest broker between Palestine and Israel.

Other world powers, such as the European Union, should now push independently for true and lasting peace in that region. 

Such peace must be based on justice and this requires, above all else, an end to the dire oppression of the Palestinian people.

Mr Netanyahu is, of course, most unlikely to agree to any such scenario. Why should he, when Israel continues to enjoy international immunity from any effective censure relating to its deeds and policies? This situation needs urgently to change and such change could most easily and peacefully be achieved if European states supported strategies similar to those of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement.

Strategies similar to those of BDS were pivotal in brining about a peaceful solution to Apartheid in South Africa – a situation as seemingly intractable (and almost as ghastly) as that being endured today in Palestine.

Charles Hayes,

East Ferry,


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