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LETTER: Getting to truth about vaccines

September 24th, 2016 5:00 PM

By Southern Star Team

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SIR – I welcome Autistic Rights Together statement that the organisation ‘stands for the public’s right to know the truth about vaccines’ (Letters to the Editor, Southern Star, September 10).

SIR – I welcome Autistic Rights Together statement that the organisation ‘stands for the public’s right to know the truth about vaccines’ (Letters to the Editor, Southern Star, September 10).

Space in this column does not permit me to address all of the issues raised in Mr Tim O’Leary’s letter responding to my invitation, however his query as regards to where Dr Thompson is now, deserves attention.

Dr William Thompson, for the benefit of those who may not already be aware, was a senior scientist with the US government agency, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  In 2013, Dr Thompson became a public whistleblower revealing that the CDC had covered up the truth that the MMR vaccine caused autism.  

He was the scientist leading the 2004 study specifically charged to investigate a possible link between the vaccine and autism. When the study concluded that the MMR vaccine did cause autism, CDC officials ordered that the evidence be destroyed. Dr Thompson, fearful of committing a felony by destroying government documents, retained the evidence.  

Fourteen years later he contacted biologist Dr Brian Hooker and revealed the truth about the autism link and the subsequent cover-up. He detailed how his CDC bosses pressured him to alter the results of the study to bury the information regarding Thimersol (mercury) and the risk of brain damage. 

He also revealed his concerns regarding the administration of flu vaccines containing mercury to pregnant women because of the risk of damage to the unborn baby.  His revelations were recorded on tape and are available on the internet. He has since handed over 10,000 CDC documents to officials.

So, where is Dr. Thompson now? He is still employed by the CDC. He invoked the protection of the Federal Whistleblower Statute and has issued a call to Congress appealing that action be taken against the CDC. He has expressed remorse for his actions and has stated that if he is called to testify that ‘I am not going to lie. I basically have stopped lying.’  

Congressman Bill Posey of Florida is seeking to schedule a Congressional Committee Hearing into the fraudulent actions of the CDC. The Congressional Hearing is now long overdue.

Why is crucial information regarding the known side effects of vaccines being hidden from the general public? Why are the known risks associated with vaccines omitted from the patient information leaflets?  

To get the truth about vaccines, you cannot rely on government agencies, pharmaceuticals or politicians, you must use alternative media sources because mainstream media is not doing its job by informing the public. For immediate information regarding MMR and vaccine-induced autism, visit  

Comprehensive information regarding the dangerous ‘cervical cancer vaccine,’ which is currently being pushed on teenage girls in secondary schools in Ireland, is available on the website or by visiting  

Yours sincerely,

Theresa Heaney




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