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Letter debate adjudicators sought by Concern

October 31st, 2015 10:43 AM

By Southern Star Team

Letter debate adjudicators sought by Concern Image

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SIR – Are readers of The Southern Star interested in settling an argument? The first round of the annual Concern Debates Competition has kicked off.

SIR – Are readers of The Southern Star interested in settling an argument?

The first round of the annual Concern Debates Competition has kicked off.

This year a record number of schools are taking part in the national competition. One hundred and forty-six schools have signed up for Ireland’s leading schools’ debating competition. This year it is an all-Ireland competition with 13 schools from Northern Ireland taking part.

Because of the large number of school entrants this year, it means that Concern is urgently looking for extra adjudicators.

Presentation De La Salle in Bagenalstown won the 2014/2015 finals. In July the team visited the work Concern is doing in Mozambique.

Every debate needs an adjudicator. And that’s where you can prove an invaluable help to the Concern debates programme.

The job description is simple enough. You have to be fair and follow the Concern guidelines, which you will receive in advance. 

Because of the popularity of the debates and the new schools joining, Concern needs more adjudicators right now.

Don’t feel shy and don’t think you could not do ‘that’. You certainly can, and it could turn out a most interesting and fun experience.

So, get behind your schools, pick up the phone and call Tim Hanley at Concern, 

01-4177733 or email, [email protected]

Michael Commane,


52-55 Camden Street,

Dublin 2.

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