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Kinsale man filmed friend jumping on a patrol car roof

April 28th, 2022 7:10 PM

By Southern Star Team

Kinsale man filmed friend jumping on a patrol car roof Image

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TWO men out socialising in Kinsale ended up causing over €1,000 of damage to a parked garda patrol car after one of them jumped up and down on the roof, while the other filmed his friend’s actions, a court heard recently.

Johnny Coyne (21) of 45 Eltins Wood, Kinsale and Stephen Daly (21) of Ballumacus, Kinsale both pleaded guilty to criminal damage at Bandon District Court.

Sgt Paul Kelly said that on July 10th last  Gda Fergal Dowling observed that damage had been caused to the roof of a marked patrol car.

‘Having checked through CCTV he saw that at 12.15am on July 9th  at Church Square two males were seen running towards the car and jumping up and down on it causing damage,’ said Sgt Kelly.

‘Johnny Coyne was jumping on the roof, while Stephen Daly was videoing the incident on his friend’s phone.’

The court heard the total amount of damage caused to the car was €1,178.18

Solicitor Tony Greenway, representing Johnny Coyne, said his client, who is from Galway, was studying at the Outdoor Education Centre in Kinsale had been out with a group celebrating on the night in question.

‘It was a moment of madness when they decided to jump on the patrol car and he is sorry for what they did. He pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and co-operated fully with gardaí,’ said Mr Greenway, who added that his client has no previous convictions. ‘He will have instruction work for the summer and will pay compensation for the damage to the car.’

However, Judge McNulty remarked that the criminal damage occurred in July of last year but Mr Greenway said his client had been travelling around Europe and wasn’t in a position to pay the compensation.

‘He’s genuinely naïve and it’s a bit rich to be coming to court empty-handed.

‘He may have to go home to mammy or take a loan from the credit union to pay for the damage – or set up a GoFundMe page,’ said Judge McNulty.

‘He’s going to need €2,000 to cover the penalty as well as €600 to cover his share of the damage caused and if he doesn’t have it in court on July 7th he’ll be going away for the summer but not the way he had planned.

Solicitor Plunkett Taaffe, representing Stephen Daly, said his client was the camera man on the night and wasn’t on the roof of the patrol car.

‘It was an impulsive exercise and he went along with it,’ said Mr Taaffe, who added that his client has no previous convictions and currently works part-time in a local restaurant.

Judge McNulty said he will need to work a lot of hours if he has to come up with €1,600 to cover his share of the damage and the penalty.

He remanded both men on continuing bail to appear in court again on July 7th with the money.

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