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Key developments in pipeline at Rosscarberys Celtic Ross Hotel

March 21st, 2015 4:05 PM

By Southern Star Team

Key developments in pipeline at Rosscarberys Celtic Ross Hotel Image

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The Celtic Ross Hotel in Rosscarbery has announced that it is carrying out a range of key improvements to the hotel in 2015.

THE Celtic Ross Hotel in Rosscarbery has announced that it is carrying out a range of key improvements to the hotel in 2015.

Visitors to the hotel, which sits on the coast, ten minutes’ south of Clonakilty, will have seen the impressive ‘greening’ of the hotel this week – as it was lit up for St Patrick’s Day.

Furthermore, ongoing improvements are being made to the hotel interior, manager Neil Grant said this week, but added that the revamp will be complemented by a major training programme for staff.

‘Over the winter months a great deal of time and work has been spent in establishing a specialist training programme for the Celtic Ross Team,’ said Mr Grant.

‘The hotel recognises that the biggest asset of any business is its people and this is even truer in the hotel sector,’ he said.

‘It is vital to develop people that are passionate about giving a quality service and who love what they do,’ he added.

Neil has great ambitions in making the Celtic Ross a specialist training centre for those choosing the hotel industry as their career, by providing a structured on-the-ground education in the hotel services.

‘We have great staff at the Celtic Ross but we are always striving to offer an even better quality service for our customers.

‘We are now setting in place a training programme for new staff that will commence with an induction training programme to support them in developing skills for their career in the hotel industry,’ he said.

As a result, six members of the Celtic Ross Team from each sector of the hotel’s business, have just completed a specialist ‘Train the Trainer’ programme.

This, it is envisaged, will give them the tools to offer invaluable training to new and existing employees. The six are Stephen Lombard (leisure centre); Michal Samulik and Colin McCarthy (food and beverage service); Ann Baker (front office); Teresa Murphy (weddings and events) and Alex Petit (kitchen).

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