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Highlight of the tennis year on Schull courts

September 13th, 2024 7:00 AM

By Southern Star Team

Highlight of the tennis year on Schull courts Image
The winners and runners up were (from left): Paul Ryrie and Paula Donovan (runners up) and Nicky Maynard and Daniel Joyce (winners).

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THE Schull and Mizen Tennis Club held its main tournament of the year on August 18th.

The tournament was run by Paul Hadland and Anne Dale. Following a series of heats, the club held semi-finals and a final. This was won by Nicky Maynard and Daniel Joyce. It was close, six games to four, with one break of serve deciding the result.

Club chairman Paul Ryrie congratulated the winners and thanked Paul and Anne for their hard work in organising the event. The winners each received a massive hamper of goodies and a trophy.

The tournament was held using the two public tennis courts in Schull, provided by Cork County Council. The second court has only just been completed and Paul Ryrie said the club is delighted to have the two courts. He said we could not have held this event as we did on just one. Paul also said that the Schull and Mizen Tennis Club is always open to new players. The club plays three times a week, all year round.

Contact details are available at the tennis courts.

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