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Glass assault ‘too serious’ for district court hearing

December 13th, 2022 10:30 PM

By Southern Star Team

Glass assault ‘too serious’ for district court hearing Image

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A DISTRICT court judge has refused jurisdiction in a case involving a man who smashed a glass in another’s man’s face in an unprovoked attack outside a Kinsale bar.

Judge James McNulty said the case involving Matthew Harron was much too serious to be dealt with in the District Court and said he was almost surprised that the DPP approved this case for the district court.

‘It’s a very grave offence with serious consequences for the injured party,’ said Judge McNulty.

Mr Harron, with an address at Stranded, Garrylucas, Ballinspittle pleaded guilty assault and two public order charges at a recent sitting of Bandon District Court.

The court heard that on September 20th last gardaí in Kinsale received a report that a male had been assaulted outside the Market Bar in the town.

‘James McCoy was outside with friends when the accused came over uninvited and was loud and shouting and they asked him to go away. 

‘He then picked up a glass and smashed it with force into James’ face causing serious wounds to him,’ Sgt Kelly told the court.

‘He was then taken to CUH where he had three serious lacerations to his face and he required stitching and some wounds were glued.’

The accused was arrested and made admissions and said he could not explain his behaviour.

Sgt Kelly said that Mr McCoy had no connection to the accused and no verbals took place before the assault and pictures of Mr McCoy’s injuries were shown to Judge McNulty. 

Both he and his father were in court and Judge McNulty thanked them for attending and he expressed the sorrow of the court for the serious facial wounds that James received in the attack.

Judge McNulty remanded the accused on continuing bail to appear in court on February 2nd next to allow the State solicitor to prepare a prosecution for the Circuit Court. 

Two public order charges were also to adjourned to the same court sitting.

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