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Gardaí rule out foul play following death of Innishannon man

April 6th, 2021 9:42 AM

By Kieran O'Mahony

Gardaí rule out foul play following death of Innishannon man Image
Pic Shutterstock

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Gardaí have ruled out any suspicious circumstances regarding the death of a man in Innishannon village yesterday.

Speaking to The Southern Star, Chief Supt Con Cadogan confirmed that the 55-year-old man, who lived locally, had been out walking when he died suddenly following a suspected heart attack.

'There's nothing suspicious in relation to his death and a person witnessed  his death  and a post-mortem will now be carried out,' said Chief Supt Cadogan.

The body of the deceased was then removed to CUH and the local coroner has been notified.

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