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Gardaí probe sales of fire equipment

September 2nd, 2024 6:30 AM

By Jackie Keogh

Gardaí probe sales of fire equipment Image
Substandard equipment may not work properly in the event of a fire.

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GARDAÍ have confirmed that they received a number of complaints of fraud relating to the sale of substandard fire equipment in the Skibbereen area.

A Garda spokesperson told The Southern Star that enquiries are ‘ongoing’ and he urged people to be aware of bogus callers, including those who do poor work, make excessive charges, or engage in opportunistic thefts.

In recent months, gardaí say a number of reports have been received in relation to the sale of fire safety equipment that some unwitting purchasers described as inadequate. Farmers, business owners, and homeowners have been advised that substandard equipment may not offer them adequate protection in the event of a fire.

The Garda crime prevention department pointed out that many people routinely employ door-to-door traders and repair people, but they warned that some of these people carry out very little work and charge exorbitant amounts of money for their services.

In some cases, the spokesperson said this could be criminal behaviour which could range from criminal damage to deception and demanding money with menaces.

All of these offences can be dealt with under existing criminal legislation. Offenders, when caught, can be successfully prosecuted before the criminal courts, he said.

Gardaí also recommended that people never engage a person who insists on cash payment for services offered, even when employing a reputable company and to always use a method of payment that is traceable.

‘Never leave strangers, even bona fide workers, unsupervised in your home,’ the spokesperson added. And if you think you have become a victim of alleged fraud, the spokesperson said, people should contact the gardaí immediately.

‘Write down all that you can remember about what happened and include descriptions of the persons, their clothing, any peculiarities or distinguishing features and any vehicles used by them,’ he advised.

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