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Flooding another big blow for Bandon businesses

August 29th, 2020 11:40 PM

By Southern Star Team

Flooding another big blow for Bandon businesses Image
Emergency services personnel pictured installing a pump at Bridge Street in Bandon with the help of Councillor Sean O’Donovan to try to alleviate flooding in the town on Monday night. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

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STATEMENTS have been issued by both Cork County Council and Irish Water in response to the flooding that took place in Bandon on Monday night last. According to the Council, ‘In Bandon, indications are that the drainage and sewer network was overwhelmed by the volume of rainfall on the evening of Monday 24th. There are two projects currently under way in Bandon.

‘The OPW Major Flood Relief Scheme is near completion; its main aspects are functioning and performed well during this event. The OPW have advised that the level of the River Bandon was relatively low during this rainfall event and drains were able to discharge by gravity to the river.

‘When the river is higher, the pump stations kick in as required. The limitation last (Monday) night appears to have been the capacity of the pipes and the gullies.

‘Irish Water’s Bandon Main Drainage Scheme is also in progress. This will involve some storm water separation and some upsizing of combined sewers. This work, when completed, will provide significantly increased storm water capacity.’

Cork County Council says it is working to ensure that issues highlighted by recent flooding will be addressed once the schemes in both towns are complete.

Meanwhile, Irish Water explained that Monday night’s flooding occurred ‘following heavy rainfall in two low-lying areas in the town, where flooding traditionally occurs first. Completion of the on-going sewer upgrade works will alleviate the issues that arose last night.

‘These works are currently programmed to be completed by the end of the year. Customer queries should be directed to 1850 278 278 or to @IWCare.’

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